General Information

General Information for Physical Education Class 

All students in Kindergarten through Grade 5 participate in Physical Education classes weekly. Kindergarten students meet once per week for 30 minutes. Students in grades 1 and 2 meet twice a week for 30 minutes. Grade 3 students meet twice a week for 35 minutes and Grade 4 and 5 students meet for 40 minutes twice a week.

All students are required to wear sport style sneakers and shorts or pants. Girls may wear skorts. Crocs are not acceptable as footwear for Physical Education. The wearing of dangling or hoop earings is discouraged.

A note from a parent or Doctor is required if the student is to be excused from their P.E. class. If a student is excused from class they may not participate in recess or before school or after school sport clubs. A Doctor's note is required for reentry into P.E. class when a Doctor's note was given to be excused.

All 4th Grade students are required to participate in the State of Connecticuts Physical Fitness Assessment. This assessment is conducted in the fall of the Grade 4 year.